Tuesday, 16 October 2018

7 upcoming York Theatre Royal shows you won't believe you should check out

It’s been a bit quiet over at Blogger Towers whilst I do a lotta other stuff.

So as I live in York, I thought I’d pop up a post giving a plug to some rally great pieces of theatre coming to York Theatre Royal in the coming months you should definitely be checking out.  

The Twitterverse tells me a lot of good things about Gecko (the theatre company, not this chap) and their show, Missing, looks like a mesmerising fast and physical piece of theatre.

New Nigerians
New Nigerians brings some necessary voices to York in the form of the Black British story.  It looks funny, delightful and full of charm.

Women of Aktion
You know me, friends.  Bloody lefty through-and-through.  So naturally I love a spot of nostalgia around past struggles, and Women of Aktion is the tale of 1930s radicalism, factories, the working class struggle and Joan Littlewood’s part in the anti-war struggle.

Narcissist In The Mirror
I had the pleasure of being beaten by Rosie Fleeshman earlier this year in a Leeds slam.  The Manchester poet’s show Narcissist In The Mirror is dark comedy about ambition.  Rosie is a superb performance poet with a lot to say.

A Super Happy Story About Feeling Super Sad
I’m really looking forward to A Super Happy Story About Feeling Super Sad.  The show has received huge acclaim and it looks like the theatre I totally admire:  Playful, messy, joyous and, essentially, about mental health.

Here’s an interesting little show called Sid about Sid Vicious.  I love the Sex Pistols and their legacy, but I find Vicious a problematic figure.  I hope the show doesn’t present him as a rock ‘n’ roll suicide, nor an angelic naïve boy manipulated by others. 

Women’s feminist history sometimes erases the working class voice, and hopefully Canary will tell the story of factory women risking their health and lives.  Looks a nice spot of physical theatre too!

Beyond that into 2019 Wise Children and Noughts & Crosses co-productions will be coming to the main stage and look charmingly exciting.

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