Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Riot Nrrrd Tour podcast

Riot Nrrrd Tour Podcast

In March 2015, two nerdy poets set forth unto the world to bring hope, spoken word and angry feminism to the ears of budding audiences.
Henry Raby is based in York, Jenn Hart is based in Bristol. They both like punk, nerdiness, politics, feminism and saying poems about these topics in front of audiences.
Henry Raby & Jenn Hart would like to thank all the promoters, audiences and supporters and copius amount of coffee and cartoons which all made this tour possible.

DIY or Die!
The Riot Nrrrd Tour consisted of:
15th March: Nerd Hutch, Newcastle
16th March: Verbal Remedies, Leeds
17th March: Empty Shop, Durham
18th March: Poems, Pints & Prose, Harrogate
19th March: Away With Words, Hull
20th March: The Forest Café, Edinburgh. No record of this show was made, due to the over exhaustion of falafel, queer disco and evening shenanigans but thanks to Raph for the gig x
21st March: Tchai Ovna, Glasgow
22nd March: Say Owt Slam, York

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