Saturday, 3 January 2015

Say Owt Slam #2

In October 2014, me and Stu Freestone decided to put on a slam.  The night was a huge success, with 15 amazing poets and Mark Grist as guest poet.  The standard was exceptionally high, and the audience reaction was amazing.

So now Say Owt Slam returns 23rd Janurary.  15 poets will have 3 minutes each to wow the audience, with the best poet receiving £30 cash prize and bragging rights.  The night will be a fun and frantic display of spoken word and performance poetry.

“I went with high expectations, and was not disappointed”- Nouse

“[an] exciting evening of lively and thought-provoking entertainment” – One & other

“I can’t remember the last time I got so much entertainment out of a fiver”- audience member

Details can be found here

Guest poet at the event is SOPHIA WALKER, a globe-trotting poet who has won the London Poetry Olympics in 2012, was the BBC Slam Champ in 2013 and won the Best Spoken Word Show at Edfringe 2014.

23rd Janurary, £5, 7.30, The Basement, City Screen, Coney Street, tickets available here
Sophia will also be running a workshop at the Golden Ball 5-7pm, tickets a mere £5, details here

For more info, get in touch at

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