For those of
you know don’t know me, I love nerdy stuff.
Mainly cartoons. I never stopped
watching cartoons when I hit teens, and I have recently picked up on some ace
stuff, finally working through Regular Show, Adventure Time and Gravity Falls.
The first
time I learned about Michael Jackson, Citizen Kane & Soviet Russia was
watching The Simpsons. Many children’s first experience with cultural
references are through cartoons and film/TV. Ash Ketchum and Luke
Skywalker and the lessons they have taught us mean a lot more to a lot of us
than Jesus or the Prime Minister. So if a programme aimed at children
does deal with a politically important subject matter, in this case Trade
Unionism, it bears some analysis, because that child’s parents could be
striking the following week, or that child could one day be in that position
when industrial action is an option placed before them in the battle for
worker’s rights. Plus, y’know, it’s fun to rewatch old cartoons from the
early 00s.
That was the
essential theme of my first solo show, Letter To The Man (from the boy) and continues
to crop up throughout my work.
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