This poem
was written for a VENT event in York raising awareness of women’s rights and rape
across the world. I wrote it when I was
angry, and inspired by female activists over the past 100 years.
In York, 100
years ago in 1913
suffragettes committed what some might call terrorism
They used
explosive chemicals to blow up post boxes
In envelopes
labelled to the PM, Lord Asquith
Based in
their HQ, now Blue Fly bar
They made
women’s right their hometurf war
They were
radicals, the militant faction
Not making
petitions but taking direct action
another blast from the past
When Dr King
said: “One day, free at last”
Some Black
Americans screamed back loud
“Fuck one day,
freedom NOW”
Rosa Parks,
who would be 100 this year
Sat on a bus
and refused to stir
Not because
she just felt like it out of the blue
But because
we was part of an existing activist doing what they had to do
Anarchist Assata Shakur said: “Nobody in
history has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the
people who oppress them”
Here’s the
Emma Goldman, who tied dancing to revolution
No Gods, No
Masters, No Borders, No Nations
Here’s to
Florence Reece, who in 1931
Penned the
great picketline song ‘Which Side Are You On?’
There’s the
bosses in their towers, we’re picking at the crumbs
When they
chip away our rights, join or build a Union
Here’s to
Pussy Riot, could it ever happen here?
Where music
and activism get you locked up for 6 years
Here’s to
Kate Tempest, Poly Styrene and Eve Libertine
Here’s to
Patti Smith, Bikini Kill and Huggy Bear
In 2010 in
York streets we cried with schoolchildren “march strike occupy”
Now those
kids are off to Uni, or not, so is activism about compromise?
I’ve stood
before riot police but their visors masked their eyes
I get
annoyed with partisan politics and Trade Union hierarchies
And the
reason I’m so angry is I probably listen to too much punk music
All my
Facebook friends and twitter follows are socialists and anarchists
Is this hot
air and youthful romanticising
Have I
watched too many Ken Loach films or read too many Guardian articles?
Check my
privilege, white, male, heterosexual and cisgender
The only
thing I cling to is at least I’m still bloody northern
And even then,
it’s York!
Let’s cut
beyond the rhetoric and revolutionary talk
The cuts
they made to the arts are tokenistic and sadistic
Education is
a right not a fucking privilege
declares disabled people fit for work
As a result,
73 people die every single week
The NHS is
getting privatised, where’s parliament democracy?
Maybe we
forgot about it when we waved our flags for the monarchy
They get tax
breaks on second homes
Whilst the
bedroom tax traps people with nowhere else to go
This isn’t
just Tory-bashing, they may vote against equal marriage, refuse the existence
of poverty
But under a
Labour council, we still have food banks and a reliance on charity in the city
What’s on
the rise in the UK: here’s a quick list
of troubles
evicts, house repossessions, homelessness, the far right and the suicide levels
So why do
Tory and Labour cuts only affect young people, disabled people, ethnic
minorities and, well, essentially the poor?
So, is it
time to believe they’re waging a class war?
If you don’t
agree with this, fine, I’m venting, getting stuff off my chest
But I
promise you one thing, never mind your privilege
If you
tolerate this, then you’ll be next
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