I had the pleasure of compering the Sshhh! Acoustic stage of
Shatterfest 4 down at Stereo (York). In
line with my Guthrie Challenge I thought I’d write a poem inspired by the
musicians after seeing their 20-30 minute set.
I like this method, instead of being isolated in my room or out for a walk, it's a trick that means I'm writing something with not only the musician, but everyone else in the room.
Here they are, please check out these acts, many talented York acts as
well as Emma from Manchestaaa and Bad Ideas from t’Leeds. Links in their names/titles.
I’ll sit on a cold afternoon
Arm myself with a spoon
and stir my hot chocolate.
I’ll sit by the radiator
Three pairs of socks
and a second skin of a warm jumper.
I’ll sit and think of you
Slip into a dozy dream
and wish you could be here.
To keep me warm, you call me at home
And travel by telephone
I may be in the gutter
But I’m next to a road
And all roads lead to Rome.
Pack up my troubles, say goodbye to the rats
Farewell to the sewers, the depths of black
Life’s been a drag, now I’m dragging myself up
Trust myself, don’t blame fate or luck.
I may be in the gutter
But I’m next to a road
And all roads lead to Rome.
I’ll find home
We’ll take our time
Breeze though this city
Breath slowly like prowlers
We’ll be on time
Whip up a hurricane
Stay up till all hours
We’ll batten down our hatches
Prepare for our own storm
You don’t need the weatherman to expect showers
Come the morning, we’ll be sodden
Drenched to the bone
No bad weather makes us cower
I could sleep for a million years
Wrap me up in chords of gold
And a blanket woven from harmonies
Will you keep on singing me to sleep
Let your lullabies be a lesson in love.
I’ve been having nightmares lately
And need some sweeter dreams.
So give me dreams disguised as lullabies
And please watch me sleep and breath
Built myself a secret den
So I could spy on all my friends
Watched them play their games
All from my hidden base
Saw them grow older, make new mates
Get into girls, go off into the world
Get richer, poorer, sadder, gladder
Have kids, have problems, have solutions
Dream of fame, a safe wage or revolution
But I’m still nestled in my secret den
Spying on the world and my little friends
The man stared at the mirror
Sees his reflection, not a hero or a winner
Sighs to himself, knows this:
If I wept at work, nobody would notice
Breathes onto the glass, on the condensation
Writes this consideration:
“We could be Gods” (he writes)
“If we wanted to try”.
He doesn’t cry at work, in that grey office
Because he doesn’t go back there ever again
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