Saturday, 11 February 2012

Henry, what’s happened in the last month? I shall tell you, dear reader.

What’s happened in the past month?

I did a few gigs with the lovely-voiced Jonny Gill at Duchess and Stereo.  I think David Gest missed my set, so no publicity deal for me.  Check out this Soundcloud clip:

I went to see John Peel’s Shed which is an entertaining re-imagining of John Osborne’s book into an hour-long account of radio, the love for music and How to Escape A Boring World.  Quaintly British I found.

I went to Manchester to take part in Contact MCR’s Outspoken Slam as part of their Queer Contact festival.  I heard some great queer poetry from Manchestaaa poets and the amazing D’Lo, a stand-up poet from L.A.  Though some pretty stuff competition, I managed to win!  Whey!

I also read a short story at the Leeds Little Fringe, something totally new to make a change from spoken word poetry all the time

But the highlight of 2012 so far has been performing Letter To The Man (from the boy).  It’s my one-man show about growing up, from cartoons, comics, crayons and teenage crushes.  But the key element that makes Letter work is the audience are invited to construct a message to their future selves.  Night #1 & #2 of Leeds were small, intimate and friendly audiences, willing to swap stories sometimes rather intimate histories, but comfortably.  But York’s audience on the 10th really went with the ‘gig’ element, cheering along at times, debating with one another and swapping stories amongst their tables.  I think I hit just the right pitch with this last show, but it’s all down to the friendly, warm and eager crowds that come, so thanks A BAZILLION for everyone who came, and thanks to Humphrey McColl, Rose Drew, Six Lips Theatre & Hedgepig Theatre for their support of the show.

Review of Leeds show:  "Rabys poetry features a mixture of classic rhyme schemes and the lyrics you’d expect from a Sex Pistols inlay"

If you caught Letter and have any feedback, we’d love to hear how we can improve the show, what bits really work, what don’t or just whether you enjoyed it or not:

Thanks y’all!  Find me on Facebook ( & Twitter (@HenryRabyPoetry)

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