Sunday, 6 November 2011


When you’ve been kettle tight by police,
So close its nose-to-armpit
And you really badly need a wee
And there’s not even enough room to hop from one foot to the other
And you’re human rights have been abused
Because they won’t even tell you that night’s X-Factor result…
You call…

The 'zine cover

A new poetryzine, Unkettleables is a 14 page story about a hardy group of kettled individuals attempting to escape from a police blockade.  However their methods involve pogo sticks, space hoppers, catapults and a legion of pigeons to slip past the police lines.
Written by me (Henry Raby) in the spirit of humorous punk poetry and lovingly illustrated by Lizzie Alderdice, this ‘zine is 100% DIY style.  The story itself is a like a fusion of Doctor Seuss and Shelly’s Masque of Anarchy.  A entertaining read anyone who’s ever been on a protest or anyone who enjoys surreal little stories.
To grab a copy simply drop me (Henry) an e-mail at  They’re priced 50p to cover printing/time/stapes/ink etc, plus however much P&P will cost, as wel accept Paypal.  I have them at most of my gigs as well.
This is part of the Snapping Turtle Press bibliography, which includes two compilations of poems my myself, Lizzie and other poets, both 50p each.
Cheers J

Here's some examples of the 'zine:
someone else suggested balloons.  Admittedly some read Congratulations but there was no call for celebration too soon.

His design for a makeshift catapult was fairly ill-conceived, whilst his slingshot made from banners and flags needed to be seen to be believed. 

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