Thursday, 21 July 2011

Protest Hugs the Movie (starring Bruce Willis as placard-holder-1)

What have I been up to?  Henry Rollin’s stand-up is bloody funny I’ll tell you that much.
Last week’s Snapping Turtle event was ace if I may say so myself, a busy and engaged crowd plus some amazing performers and some great laughs to boot.  Thanks to all the performers, Ben Winterton, Conor Whelan, Emma Swanton, Jake Holdsworth, Dan Sky Rocket, Jim Higo, Billy Lowther, Yuppa Brothers, Pete Sutton, John Holt Roberts and Al Baker. 
Thanks to everyone involved!  I really hope to put on more of these 'variety' nights on in York, I know enough poets/comedians/musicians/performers so hopefuly be able to start a regular-ish event bringing new talent to York as well as highlighting what we have here in the city.  There's a lot to be proud of in York, we have decent talent if you know where to look.  So if you would like to help out setting up these events, have any thoughts or might like to perform drop me a message we'll see where the wind takes us :)

In Other News:  Issue #2 of SNAPPING TURTLE PRESS is on sale now featuring various poets and hand drawn images by Lizzie Alderdice all for a mere 50p, copies of Issue #1 still available, please e-mail to get hold of one.
Also Lizzie has made a video of Protest Hugs:  A Love Poem recorded live at Stereo 13/07/2011
Watch it on youtube HERE:
 “These could be the last days/So let’s spend them together/ Let’s Never Surrender”-Evan Greer
“So here’s to love and solidarity, and a kiss behind the barricades”-David Rovics
“At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.”-Che Guevara

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