So, at the moment I need to get writing some stuff, so currently have 3 poems I'm playing with to turn into not so much the 2-3 min poems that I usually have in my arsenal, but something a little heavier/bulkier. More like short-stories or monolouges. Indeed I'm certain at least one could be transformed into a piece of theatre. I also want to work on a piece of writing about York called 'Gargoyles of York', something pershapes physcial based on the streets of my hometown.
The Wolves Also Smile: A Neil Gaiman-inspired piece of darkness late at night. No cowardly lions here.
Are We Forwarding This Generation Triumphantly: A sort of celebratory/critical look at my generations attempts at improving the world based on Bob Marley's inspirational Redemption Song.
The Die Will Be An Awefully Big Adventure: Need to read up on my Peter Pan, but suffice to say I have trouble thinking of a more striking phrase
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