Noisy, scuzzy and raw, I only managed to see Fight Rosa Fight once but they were a barrell of fun. Their first album is a more traditional slice of angry, riot grrrl inspired punk rock, and the second a more mature, melodic piece of sound. 'He's A Tory' might be the only song to reference Conservative MPs David Willetts and Eric Pickles, who stood down in the 2015 and 2017 elections respectively. At their core was always a joy and celebration of female/queer solidarity as exemplified in Start A Punk, a heartfelt truth of punk rock. Just do it!
"What were Mag 7 gigs like back in the day" my Grandkids will ask me. Hyper, sugary, silly and very York. By which I mean, you'd recognise so many faces from the scene and city...and they were often at the Fulford Arms will all the glorious indepdence that venue offers. Their EP were 7 perfect cuts of ska-punk, which were also masterfully political. Mag 7 avoided being too Americanised, hinting at a third wave ska influence but keeping it unique with fusions and nods to hip-hop and nu-metal. The only band I've ever crowd-surfed to. R.I.P. Mag 7 (until you're next one-off never again goodbye gig).
Having never watched Buffy, I don't get most of these references but that's OK! This band had all the brazen energy, they knew their strengths and they totally played to it with a tounge-in-cheek self-deprication ("We're nothing special / We are the potentials"). Glorious chattery guitars and tough drumming made the perfect poppy punky sound. Every. Single. Time. Someone talks about the Friend Zone I think about their song.
Mid-austerity bangers you should check out one Bandcamp Friday