♫ You
still think swastikas look cool
The real Nazis run your schools ♪
The real Nazis run your schools ♪
-Nazi Punks Fuck Off Dead Kennedys
On Saturday the Scarborough
& Whitby branch of the English Defence League held a ‘protest’ to free
Tommy Robinson, a man jailed for jeopardising a court case which could have led
to a grooming gang go free. The EDL
believe themselves defenders of an England, and any opposition to their patriotism
(see: nationalism) is an attack on free
speech. Really, the EDL ubiquitously criticise, and subsequently demonise people of colour which leads them to attack and call
for segregation/deportation/genocide.
York's antifascists came
out to oppose them, a combination of the local Stand Up To Racism group, York
Anti-Fascist network and many random people who either left the main Pride
march to keep an eye on the EDL, or were curious about what was occurring and
decided to stay to offer solidarity.
Whilst the Branch could
only muster a small handful of 8-12 people on the 9th, many more
gathered in London, marched peacefully for the cameras and then, unprovoked,
began to try and storm Downing Street, smash up a tourism bus and assault
Police. The EDL’s claim they are not racist
is difficult to swallow when they have persistently failed to root out, and
thus embrace, seig heiling neo-nazis.
Punk briefly flirted with fascist
imagery 76-77, though I believe this was messy of shock tactics from certain
corners to appear rebellious and monstrous which soon fizzled out. Examples include the very name Joy Division, Siouxise
Sioux’s swastika or the name London SS as a potential and name. The Ramones’ song Today Your Love, Tomorrow
Your World is uncomfortable listening in 2018. There
is absolutely no excuse for flirting with this fascist iconography, and, like
all corners of society, all the corners of punk have wrestled with racist
elements, both for and against. After
this initial way, most punk bands at least rejected
the right-wing ideology, some maybe could have done more to
challenge it.
There’s a circuit of of
Oi! bands embracing a blood-soaked flag and obviously
there’s bands like Skrewdriver who birthed a wave of racist and neo-nazi punk
under the banner Rock Against Communism and Blood & Honour.
There are many decent
examples of anti-fascism in the early history of punk. This has been well-documented with white
bands like The Clash, Stiff Little Fingers and Tom Robinson Band playing Rock
Against Racism, and of course the variety of punks of colour in Death, Bad
Brains, Dead Kennedys, X-Ray Spex.
So in this series of
blogs, I want to touch on the confidence that comes from anti-fascist punk
I don’t do enough to fight
fascism. It scares me. I don’t like confrontation at the best of
times, I’m a scrawny guy and never been in a proper scrap in my life. But I know that this is something we need to
oppose, and we need to find the confidence.
Facing the right-wing is a scary prospect. They have a history of murdering, from the New Cross massacre to Blair Peach to the vile activities of Combat 18. MP Jess Phillips received over 600 death threats in a single night, MP Josie Cooper was the target of National Action and of course MP Jo Cox was murdered by a man shouting “Britain first!” Often their protests are male jumped with adrenaline, toxic masculine energy, the lessons learnt from football hooliganism and (sometimes illegal) substances. Though Red Watch is very much out of date, the right-wing use spotters, cameras and social media to monitor and track not only those that oppose them directly, but Trade Unions, anti-cuts groups, refugee support networks and even environmental groups.
Facing the right-wing is a scary prospect. They have a history of murdering, from the New Cross massacre to Blair Peach to the vile activities of Combat 18. MP Jess Phillips received over 600 death threats in a single night, MP Josie Cooper was the target of National Action and of course MP Jo Cox was murdered by a man shouting “Britain first!” Often their protests are male jumped with adrenaline, toxic masculine energy, the lessons learnt from football hooliganism and (sometimes illegal) substances. Though Red Watch is very much out of date, the right-wing use spotters, cameras and social media to monitor and track not only those that oppose them directly, but Trade Unions, anti-cuts groups, refugee support networks and even environmental groups.
So punk songs need to
inspire a confidence to face this evil down, and do so in many ways.
There are the simplest
form of anti-fascist song which boils down to:
Fuck them.
Here’s just a small
handful of songs from recent years:
Fuck The EDL by Lab
Picket Fence by
Nazi Parade by Stand Out Riot
The Right Wing Never Sleeps
by Crazy Arm
Milk by Random Hand
No Pasaran by Joe
article on the Guardian is useful for some American anti-Trump hardcore.
Other songs are a slight
more pointed about nationalism and the language of borders and nations. ONSIND’s BA77 tells the story of Jimmy
Mubenga murdered by G4S, and their song Pigs In The Green Room is about an
encounter with racists at a service station.
Loyalty Festers from their latest album dissects the grimy violence of patriotism. KINKY’s Legal Fucking
Murder is about state violence in the name of border control, and Efa
Supertramp has written about detention centres, whilst Petrol Girls’ song Treading Water
has cutting imagery of water, waves and refugees. Propagandi’s Fuck The Border does exactly
what it says on the tin, as does Downtown Boys' timely A Wall.
There are other songs
which posit historical moments, WEGROWBEARDS
are experts at this, and one of my favourite anti-fascist songs is The Ghosts of Cable Street
by the Men They Couldn’t Hang. On The Day
The Nazi Died by Chumbawamba is the band’s response to the death of Rudolph
What is rarer are songs
which, rather than being on the offensive, do celebrate what we have and should
defend. Kids of the Multiculture
by Sonic Boom Six is one, I can’t really think or others but please let me know
The right wing have an alchemy
of privilege: white, western and mostly male. This evolution from patriotic pride to
nationalist zeal to white power ideology gives the right a huge bulk of confidence. They employ the romanticised notion of
Empire, as well as nonsense like eugenics and blood purity, to empower their
chants and violence (though cans of Fosters does help too).
So that’s why we need to
make these songs: To nurture and empower
our own confidence. Whether with a blunt and simple message which reinforces
the need for anti-fascist thoughts and action or something more complex to
allow us to unpack the racism in our heads and deconstruct the state-sponsored borders,
both physical and sociological.
Let’s not forget the punk scene
is mostly white, and us white punks need to challenge our own preconceptions,
assumptions and in-built prejudices. This
article talks about those experiences much
better than I could ever articulate.
is an amazing zine, apparently sold out but maybe messaging the (sadly
split up) band Fight Rosa Fight you might be able to find a copy or PDF
Today, bands like The
Tuts, Shopping, Screaming Toenail, Big Joannie are challenging these conceptions
alongside Decolonise Fest, Afropunk and the Latinx
punk scene. Little Fists and Fight
Rosa Fight have recently split up, but two amazing bands to check out.
Oh, and if
you’re reading this and are someone of the right-wing disposition, and you
haven’t been convinced to give up your racist ways then I recommend giving
this song a good, hard listen.