Friday, 17 May 2013

DIO: Do It Ourselves

DIO: Do It Ourselves

Last week I went to Bradford to the 1 in 12 by an event organised by Bradford Uni entitled ‘Do(ing) It Again’ and was very honoured to do a short talk about protest poetry and the community that exists across the UK.  My point was, if theatres and Arts centres feel the squeeze, will the small-scale DIY element of spoken word and pub-theatre flourish, or at least see positive affects from people seeking alternative forms of art?  Bradford seems to do very well from a ‘lack’ as was discussed at the event.  Got me thinking about York, how in some ways we are ‘DIY by Default, not Design’, fuelled by a lack of venues and a loose community rather than a political drive to create new spaces.

So, what am I up to these days?  Doing quite a lot with young children actually, have written a handful of poems which have gone down really well for under 10s.  You’ll see Letter To The Man (from the boy) my solo show, at the Berry Theatre, The International Youth Arts Festival both in July and The HUB in Leeds in September, but still looking for bookings anywhere in the country for any venue!

I’ll be at Edinburgh Fringe, helping out with Six Lips Theatre’s show Faustus, 11-25th so if you have any open mics, showcases, slams etc please let me know, always looking for an opportunity to perform at EdFringe!

Finally, next week is WORDS & WHIPPETS!  I had a conversation with York Theatre Royal about this in August, and the date was set in October, so it’s been MONTHS AND MONTHS in the planning. I’ve selected 5 amazing slam/performance poets, and you’ll see acts that don’t always come to York, so please come along and together we can make connections, make a community and build a little scene here in York!

25th May, 7.45pm, YTR Studio, £5 (+£1 booking fee)