Sunday, 20 May 2012

LETTER TO THE MAN (from the boy)

Over a year ago, I proposed to Tom Bellerby, then-artistic director of TakeOver Festival 2011, I wanted to do a solo show of my poetry.

But unlike an hour-long set of poem followed by poem, I wanted the show to have an overall theme and feel.  As most of my poems were about childish things, we decided to mould the show into a story about growing up.  Thus Letter To The Man (from the boy) was born.

LTTMFTB is a collection of poems starting off in childhood through to puberty and ending up at that age when you have the choice to leave home.  It’s changed a lot since those TakeOver days, but still has the same core essence of remembering what’s really important in life.  Friends, comics, cartoons and rebelliousness.

Well, the show went around a bit, Leeds, Coxwold, York and I’m massively grateful to everyone who came along, took part or helped put it on.  Mostly, thanks to people who have me feedback!

But now, with the support of Tom’s theatre company Pilot Theatre, I can announce I am taking the show…TO THE EDINBURGH FRINGE

This will be my fourth outing to Fringe, first time as a performer.  I have worked as a venue technician twice, so this will be a whole new experience plugging a show, performing, reading/ignoring reviews etc etc.

I am incredibly proud and honoured to be at UNDERBELLY, a venue where I have seen fantastic theatre and they really respect spoken word and poetry.

So more information to come, but please check out these links and see you at the Fringe!