Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Day 1 of The Letter From The Man (from the boy)

So me and Tom Bellerby, old friend and artistic director of TakeOver Festival, hazily entered the rehearsal room on this dull and wet Monday morning.  We started by shifting through about a dozen or so of my poems, finding poems that fitted the context of the performance, poems about growing up or striving.

Once we had a look at what we had on offer we picked out 20 minutes worth of poetry, but clearly there needs to be an extra few poems written specifically for the piece.  Plenty for me to get on with, not to mention re-visit old poems I don't know off by heart.  Seems I need to explore the negative side of growing up, with invariably exists.  What is scary about growing up?  Answers on a postcard...

Surreal tranpsirings occurred outside with the next workshop stacked full of panto costumes, a strange oxymoron to my very language-based performance and writings.

Went to Sticks & Stones poetry night in Leeds, an excellent performance by Joshua Idehan and I did This Ain't A Scene It's a Goddamn Warzone, a totally new piece which went OK but I can always improve on fiction and speed and pace, but with Tom Bellerby's help we'll crack this out. 

The Letter To The Man (from the boy) is on March Wednesday 23th, keep eyes peeled.

Friday, 11 February 2011


I've made a Soundcloud account (http://soundcloud.com/henryrabypoetry) and spent this morning recording and uploading a handful of tracks to get started, nothing massively new but hopefully something to listen to for possible promotors.  Better quality than the vids at least.

The plan is to start applying to festivals and poetry stages and events, so this should be fairly useful.

Been thinking about Letter To The Man (from the boy).  Rattling round my skull a little bit, rehearsals starting soon.

Writing bits and pieces, a few ideas floating round, we'll see what 2011 holds
